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Teacher Appreciation Bouquet

  • Sold Out

Show your appreciation towards your favorite school teachers, home teachers, and mentors with an elegant and locally grown bouquet. 

Pick-up on our farm in Auburn, WA, or pick-up at one of our designated locations near you. 

You can pick up the bouquets Sunday, May 7th between 12:30 pm - 2 pm 

Renton Landing - Petsmart 12:30-1 pm

Bellevue Factoria - Amazon Fresh 1 pm- 1:30 pm 

Issaquah - Hobby Lobby 1:30 pm - 2 pm


You can pick up the bouquets Tuesday, May 9th, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Renton Landing - Petsmart 4:30-5 pm

Bellevue Factoria - Amazon Fresh 5:20 pm- 5:50 pm 

Issaquah - Hobby Lobby 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm


Please let us know in the Cart Notes which location and date you will like to pick up the bouquet.